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Menus, Marketing, & Management tips to grow your restaurant business.


Restaurant Management

Effective restaurant management for the small restaurant

From the front of the house to the back of the house, managing a restaurant is more than a full-time job. Employees need to be hired, menus need to be planned, and everything must run smoothly from start to finish. But where to begin?

Here you'll find helpful articles on hiring the best employees, building a strong restaurant team, and the general dos and don'ts of restaurant management. Read about what you can do to build a successful food business, from employees to customer service. We have everything you need to run your business smoothly!

After all, the restaurant industry can be so volatile. It's easy to find sharp employees, but how do you build a strong team and keep the best ones? When the holidays and summer hours come storming in the door, it's important to know how to work with your core team while seamlessly integrating new staff. Having a thorough employee handbook can certainly help with the transition.

Tired of keeping an eye on your employees? With employee theft on every manager's mind in these slim times, make sure you have the right management skills to ensure this year's loss low. Reduce the need for loss prevention by developing a positive, safe environment for your staff. We can show you how to create a space that everyone can respect.

What can you do during the down times to ramp up business? We'll give you helpful, cost-effective tips to build on your current clientele while establishing new business. Learn how liquor sales may help to improve your bottom line during the slow seasons.

Could it be time to update your dining area? Many restaurants fall into the trap of outdated, uncomfortable seating spaces, making customers less likely to return. Don't fall into the "time trap." Look for our suggestions on how updating your dining area can help make your tables the hottest in town!

Whether you're managing a small town bistro or a metropolitan hot spot, MustHaveMenus brings you all the tips and tricks of effective restaurant management—right at your fingertips!

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