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Design Ideas to Transform Your Breakfast Menu

Breakfast Menu Ideas

A great breakfast menu can get your customers day started off on the right foot. Therefore, the breakfast menu design is very important. Here are some tips for creating a menu design that is sure to leave diners happy and satisfied.

Here are some tips for creating a menu design that is sure to leave diners happy and satisfied.

What Goes on a breakfast menu?

If your restaurant serves breakfast only or does a breakfast lunch combo, your entire menu will be dedicated to listing these early bird meals. If your restaurant serves dinner later in the day, you may only have a page or a few pages of your menu dedicated to breakfast.

Either way, it’s important to give the breakfast section of your menu a feel that is unique to morning meals. Cheery colors and images will help you achieve that goal.

Breakfast menus may contain a few key items or they can be quite extensive. They may also contain pictures of the food or other types of images that make the menu more attractive. They can include separate sections for different types of breakfast entrees, sides, beverages and more.

Breakfast Menu Styles

The first thing you will want to do is determine the overall style of the menu. Because breakfast is an early meal, restauranteurs may choose to portray a sunny image using colors like yellow and orange. In other instances, a nostalgic feel may work better, to remind customers of childhood Sundays spent in old diners.

Think of taking diners back to the days of their youth when they enjoyed brunch out with their families.

If your restaurant specializes in elegant champagne brunches, consider using a more luxurious template that features curled fonts and black backgrounds.

Breakfast Menu Fonts

Once you have determined the style of your menu, it should not be too hard to find a font that fits the vibe you are going for. However, it’s very important for your font to be readable. If certain items are difficult to read, diners may shy away from ordering them. Italics and bold type are great way to break up your menu visually, so don’t be afraid to dot them into your design.

Breakfast Menu Images

You may want to add images to your breakfast menu to make it more attractive. If you choose to add pictures of your food, make sure the pictures are professionally done (or close to it). If the food does not look good in the pictures, you may put customers off their food before they even order it! Also, don't waste menu space on images of simple breakfast items that won't provide any extra info to your customers. Focus instead on your bigger entrees and specialty dishes that may be different than any breakfast dish they've ever had before.

You also may choose to include images that add to the aesthetic of the design. For instance, flowers can make a menu look nice. Illustrated images of food or anything that evokes a sense of nostalgia will also work well.

When using images, stay away from stock images as these will also take away from the professional and unique look of the menu.

Organization is Key

It’s essential to make your menu easy to navigate. Consider including ‘like’ items together. For instance, you can have a section for healthy breakfasts and one for sweet treats. Alternately, you can put pancake breakfasts in one group, French toast breakfasts in another and egg breakfasts in yet another.

Breakfast is a meal many people look forward to. Make it truly special by providing a menu that’s attractive, easy to navigate and effective in getting your diner’s day off to a great start. What breakfast items do you like to order when you eat out?

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